Friday, June 10, 2011

A Wedding & Weekend Getaway in Leavenworth, WA

My sister-in-law got married this past weekend in Leavenworth, WA, and while I was not shooting the wedding, I did manage to take a few candid shots that I wanted to share.  Rather than spend a lot of time debating over which shots looked professional enough for the blog, I decided to post them in the order that I took them.  For those of you who would like to see all of the pictures from the weekend, click here.


Amy and Chris-42

Amy and Chris-12

Reception 1

Amy and Chris-53

Amy and Chris-92

Amy and Chris-68

Amy and Chris-70

Amy and Chris-71

Amy and Chris-127

Amy and Chris-120


The Kids

Amy and Chris-122

Amy and Chris-138

Amy and Chris-111